Wow goes to show I assumed ten thousand people answered
I'll send Bill a strip of the Plexion MS76 replacement cells I acquired from
They work fine in my OM2SP
For B&W was F and F2 now getting back to OM
For color D2x D200 D300s D3 D3x D800
I will shoot IPNC ( {Pinot Soiree) on film with Olympus OM
And I have arranged to use the college lab and will soup the film and have 8 x
10's the next day each day!
Bill has a stack of stuff for me, thanks but I am still searching for beat to
300 4.5
50 f2
90 f2
THX Mark inPDX
On Jul 22, 2013, at 9:22 PM, NSURIT@xxxxxxx wrote:
> I find it interesting that I've offered a piece or two of OM equipment at
> favorable prices recently and have had few responses. Last week I put an
> inquiry out about resources for inexpensive batteries for OM cameras and got
> no responses. Several times in the past I have put a group order together
> for list members to get favorable pricing on batteries. What this is
> telling me, if I'm reading it correctly, is that few folks are using film
> these
> days. My guess is that in the past most folks were having a lab process
> their film and there are not many labs open these days. Although I have a
> pro quality darkroom at home, I find my workflow these days generally starts
> with film capture, which I scan, make enlarged negatives on my printer and
> then print them with some alternative process. I do shoot some digital,
> however I would say that most of my serious work currently begins with film
> and most of that is large format although I still shoot 35 and medium format.
> So my split on capture is probably 90% film and 10% digital. What is
> yours? I'm just curious and wondering if most of the OM gear out there is
> gathering dust.
> Bill Barber
> --
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