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Re: [OM] Av with chipped adapters

Subject: Re: [OM] Av with chipped adapters
From: Joel Wilcox <jfwilcox@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 11:53:10 -0500
On Thu, May 10, 2012, at 10:09 PM, Joel Wilcox wrote:

> 1. Set the maximum aperture on lens
> 2. Set the desired aperture on camera
> 3. Focus and meter the object, when focus is achieved, lock exposure
> setting.
> 4. Set the lens aperture to the same desired aperture as the camera
> setting 
> 5. Press shutter button and take the picture.

While I have confirmed that this works, I am having a little trouble in
that the camera won't lock the exposure for any longer than the display
stays lit.  Trip the shutter slightly to bring up the display after
stopping down and the meter has reset and the exposure is now wrong.

So I read in the manual that the only way really to lock AEL is to keep
your thumb on the AEL button -- a PITA if, for example, the camera is
amounted on tripod and one is doing all the other things one does when
one makes the choice of using a tripod (like maintaining precise focus)
instead of just shooting away.

E-system cameras have a AEL "memo" feature.  This allows the AEL to
persist for as many shots as one likes.  I have not been able to find
any counterpart to this on the 5D.  Other than manual mode.  Am I
missing something, fellow canonistas?

Joel W.

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