Adobe RGB was actually designed as an editing space and not an output
space whereas sRGB is an output space. Although I don't do it myself
one should actually edit in Adobe RGB or some other editing space and
then convert to whatever your intended print or output device supports.
I think high end ink jet printers can now produce output beyond sRGB
but if you send images to Mpix or Miller's for printing you'll only get
sRGB back (regardless of what you send them).
Chuck Norcutt
On 3/24/2012 11:20 PM, Joel Wilcox wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012, at 09:20 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
>>> In working through some E-410 raw files recently, I found Studio to be
>>> much worse than I had recalled at highlight recovery. Pulling the
>>> exposure to the left in the Studio converter interface darkens the whole
>>> without actually restoring any detail in the highlight areas! My old
>>> copy of LR-2 improves highlight detail perfectly.
>> You are correct. There is absolutely no "highlight recovery" with
>> Studio. However, what I have found is that highlight recovery past
>> where Olympus cuts things off is where the colors lose their
>> integrity. Highlight recovery will result in color shifts. Usually not
>> a problem, though, and unless you are bringing back large expanses of
>> image area, no shifts are usually visible. A sunset recovery just
>> might do it, though.
>>> When a Canaan body came into my life, I took the occasion to switch over
>>> to sRGB. While I haven't really tested it formally, my impression is
>>> that Studio is no longer superior to ACR/LR in rendering Olympus color
>>> more accurately.
>> My exception to this is skintones. Olympus does something magical
>> there which ACR/LR just can't quite match. It's only an issue when I'm
>> doing portraiture for hire.
> Good. I'm glad you can confirm what I am experiencing.
> Are you working in AdobeRGB? In sRGB it doesn't seem that the tiny
> superiority in Studio's rendering of red is obvious. This is probably
> what accounts for your preference for it for skin tones (but that
> assumes you're using AdobeRGB and that my impression has something to do
> with reality).
> I really like Sagelight's highlight recovery process. You get really
> perfect highlights (unless the exposure is just too far gone). LR
> doesn't do this automatically, but it works just as well as Sagelight
> when you either adjust exposure or use the recovery slider. I don't
> think I would be a sensitive to it if I hadn't been working on quite a
> few images with Sagelight. I apologize, as I know this is all old news
> to most people.
> Joel W.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: