At this point, I don't think it matters either way. I'm just going to keep
my trap shut and watch the reinvention of the company. I believe what has
recently happended is what needed to happen. The culture of deception was
poisoning the entire company.
In hindsight, so much of the fall of Olympus started at one very distinct
moment in time that predated the supposed losses by a few years. That one
event caused a Domino-effect of events that significantly changed the
entire direction of the company. Sadly, it took approximately 20 years for
it to become apparant.
Someday, I hope to buy another LEGENDARY Olympus camera. It is my belief,
that based on a clear-cutting of the management structure getting rid of
the purveyers of deception and those on somebody else's payroll, that it
will be possible for Olympus to once again rock the world with outstanding
> Do you have inside information from dealings with the company, or are you
just speculating? If the former, you should contact relevant authorities,
if the latter, then you might as well entertain us rather than being a
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: