> Not to argue with you, but, as I understand it, this is no
> ordinary trim tab. This is an anti-servo tab, where the
> stick movement sets the angle of the tab, and the tab imparts
> a force to move the elevator. Losing one tab means that the
> other tab has to do the entire job, and the behavior would be
> difficult to predict.
That might be, but I'm not familiar with the details of the P-51. Could
be that there is an additional part of the elevator that relieves the stick
pressure, much like the static and dynamic balancing on earlier aircraft which
were sometimes called "elephant ears". Waco used those as did Fokker.
I was looking closely at the photos currently on the CBS News webpage, and
there is more than just a single trim tab missing. The gap along the trailing
edge of the elevaor has a wide portion and then a narrow portion missing.
Trying to find any information on this subject is next to impossible as
the internet is overwhelmed by news of the accident.
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