Circling back around again...
Just finished the second pass last night and started processing the
photos. Total image count, not including test shots was 192. Keepers
that will make it to the proof book: 50. Number of missed
opportunities (photos) because I'm an idiot about another 200. Images
that will be used from the L1 - two. Portfolio-grade shots? Probably
four or five.
All in all, I'd consider this to be a great success. It sure didn't
feel that way DURING the shoot.
In an attempt to stretch myself, all processing is being done in
Lightroom. It doesn't do as good of a job as Studio2, but it does give
me highlight-recovery, which is helping matters a little. All those
presets do make life a little easier too on some shots which are
great, but are lacking that extra something that will help sell the
I'm not ashamed of using trickery to save a shot.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: