Good news about libraries. I'm sure the content would evaporate after the
check-out period. That's what happens now when you "lend" someone an e-book.
The problem with current lending is that it's publisher-dependent, and not that
many of them allow lending.
On Apr 22, 2011, at 4:07 PM, usher99@xxxxxxx wrote:
>> Another thing about books. After reading them, if they aren't
>> reference books, I give them away to somebody else. I believe in
>> passing them along. Not so easy with electronic books.
> Well, I heard on NPR a day or two ago that soon they can be loaned
> out of libraries and I think they can be "lent"
> to others for 2 weeks at a time. Well Marnie wanted an I-pad or
> Kindle for her B'day and am still on the fence.
> Eagerly awaiting the Kindle version of Dr. Flash's photog tips, Mike
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: