Amazon has a self-publishing process - the author keeps 70% of the
selling price.
On 22/04/2011, Bob Whitmire <bwhitmire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm just shooting from the lip here, but I'm guessing if the Mayans weren't
> right, then technology along with such developments as social media networks
> will make it a lot easier for writers to get their work out. Paper? We don't
> need no stinking paper! Blogs, Tweets, web sites, etc., and whatever
> software is necessary to convert your word document into Kindle format. Word
> of mouth, word of mouth. I recall a number of stories back in the day of fat
> and sassy local newspapers who found themselves on the ropes because some
> folks in the community bought early Macs and started publishing their own
> papers. I even thought about it myself at one point when the New York Times
> Co., which owned the paper I worked for, started playing games.
> Sure, you'll never get Grisham numbers, but who cares? And maybe you will. I
> can't recall the names, but I know I've read a number of stories about
> writers who self-published and then found big boys to handle the reprints.
> I've seen it happen here with regional stuff through DownEast Press.
> I haven't checked into it, but it seems Amazon has a lot of "self published"
> stuff available.
> --Bob
> On Apr 22, 2011, at 2:38 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
>> E-Books are just the latest way the authors are getting screwed by the
>> publishers. If you self-publish, E-books are great! You get to avoid a
>> lot of production costs and then you just do a limited amount of POD
>> to fulfill the needs of the limited audience that buys paper copies of
>> the book. With self-publishing and E-books, the average one-lung
>> author can probably get away with a POD order of 500 copies and
>> everything else goes E-book. Your overall sales MIGHT be lower, but it
>> costs you little.
> --
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