The current turnover in digital appeal for whatever reason ..... size, build
quality, lens quality, etc ...... is in marked contrast to my desire to
turonover my M3, dated to November 1960 and with a s/n well in excess of 1
million. It works as well today as the day it was made.
Perhaps digital cameras, regardless of brand, are built today to be turned
over every two years akin to the life span of your cell phone.
Sad don't you think ?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Barker" <ftog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Olympus Camera Discussion" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2011 8:47 AM
Subject: [OM] OT: Sad day
> Well, I've bought a Pentacchio K5 with a couple of lenses and they are
> much lighter than the (near) equivalent of E-3, 12-60 and 50-200. The
> facilities on the SLR are quite a difference from the E-3: for instance, I
> am quite taken with the 2 levels and display orientation.
> I have my EPL-2 to keep my Oly connection going, but I'm sad to be selling
> my Oly DSLR. If the E5 had been a more manageable price, such as less
> than GBP1000, I might have been tempted to stay "heavy" with the DSLR, but
> it's going to take a while before that happens.
> Oh well; best I get out and do good things photographic.
> Chris
> --
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