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Re: [OM] 0.95

Subject: Re: [OM] 0.95
From: Stephen Troy <sctroy@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 16:08:34 -0500
At 03:46 PM 11/17/2010, Andrew Fildes wrote:
>I'm of the understanding that a f0.95 lens is a true f0.95 
>regardless of sensor size - after all, if I put a medium format f2.8 
>lens on a 35mm body, it's still f2.8 AFAIK.  But there is a 
>persistent theory that a 0.95 on an FT sensor is really equivalent 
>to a true f1.7 or some such. I really don't understand the thinking 
>behind this claim.  Anyone care to opine on this and help me make 
>sense of it before I make some claims in print.?

That claim primarily relates to apparent depth of field - a f/2.0 DZ 
lens on 4/3 will give the same apparent depth of field as an f/4.0 
lens on full-frame cameras, as you have to enlarge the 4/3 image more 
to make a same-size print.  This can be an advantage if you need 
greater depth of field, a disadvantage if you want shallow depth of field.

This difference is mitigated somewhat in that the f/2.0 DZ lenses are 
wonderful wide-open, while many full-frame fast lenses have to be 
stopped down to f/4.0 to remove softness and light falloff in the corners.

For exposure, f/2.0 is f/2.0.  I have yet to see a light meter that 
asks your film/sensor size.

Some claim f/2.0 on 4/3 also acts like f/4.0 full-frame for image 
noise, but there are far more variables that cause image noise than 
sensor size, so I don't buy that argument compeltely.

Steve Troy
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