The mention of Eggs Benedict reminded me of a TV show that was on a
couple of years ago where a well known chef would attempt to help
restaurants that were not doing well. In one of the episodes the owner
had attempted to expand his business by offering breakfast in addition
to lunch and dinner. But the breakfast business was doing poorly. The
chef examined the breakfast menu and asked the owner why Eggs Benedict
was not on the menu as it was the most popular offering at many well
known restaurants that served breakfast. The owner's reply was that he
personally didn't like Eggs Benedict. A verbal explosion ensued. :-)
Chuck Norcutt
On 10/26/2010 5:35 PM, Andrew Fildes wrote:
> Looks like a very pleasant autumn. Now what caught my eye here is the
> restaurant with no menu - you eat what was made today. Great idea.
> I'd eat there very regularly. The chef/owner in the restaurant below
> my studio would love to do this. He is of the unshakable belief that
> diners do not deserve a menu because they are hopeless at choosing
> decent food. He had a pan throwing temper tantrum one Saturday
> morning because of the breakfasts - "Bacon and eggs, nothing but
> bloody bacon and eggs - they can cook that at home!" That day he came
> out and declared to the cafe that they could have any breakfast they
> wanted so long as it was Eggs Benedict. He once told me I wasn't
> having the fish pie because the Trevally was fresh - "For you,
> Trevally - or you get nothing!' He has a point - the world seems to
> want any completely tasteless, colourless, gluten free chicken dish
> at present and he's not cooking it. But if you are prepared to eat
> big ravioli stuffed with confit of rabbit.... Andrew Fildes
> afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> On 23/10/2010, at 7:47 PM, Nathan Wajsman wrote:
>> The highlight of last week was the October 12th national holiday
>> and the Moros y Cristianos festival. So a rather large and varied
>> PAW this week, a good picture of what autumn looks like around
>> here:
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: