On 9/16/2010 1:40 PM, jjohnso4@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I've been out of the Olympus loop for awhile - what were the expected
> upgrades that didn't appear on the E-5 that's causing all this angst? It has
> to be serious since Ken N. is talking about jumping to Canon (maybe sometime
> in 2020?) and last I remember he was as happy as a tumble bug in a cow paddy
> with his E-1 and surely the E-5 is a big improvement over the E-1.
> Later,
> Johnny
> ------------------
> Johnny Johnson
> Cleveland, GA
This purely my perspective of someone who is actually happy with 4/3. It
appears to me that Olympus addressed most of the basic issues that folks
had with the E-3. Instead of seeing that as an improvement on what was
already a good body, many folks appear to feel that it was just a 'fix'.
Folks expected the kind of revolutionary thinking that Olympus
demonstrated with the E1, E3 and m4/3 systems. Personally I really like
the E-5 (wish it was a bit smaller/lighter though) as is and will
probably buy one at some point.
I don't really understand the 4/3 vs FF angst myself. To me it is like
35mm film vs medium format film, two different beasts. When I hear folks
say "I am fed up with the quality of my 4/3 gear, I am getting a FF
camera to replace it" I wonder whatever they were thinking by going 4/3
in the first place. Not knocking FF mind you, just a lot more camera
gear than I want to carry!
If you are waiting for some revolutionary technology that will make your
4/3 (or APS-C) gear perform like FF, it ain't gonna happen, just like
your 35mm film gear could never give you the output you could get with
medium format. Two different beasts.
I suppose I should be used to this. See it all the time in the cycling
industry, a new frame, wheelset, widget "I gotta have" to keep up.
Jim Couch
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