Chris Barker wrote:
> I'm only guessing, Joel, partly based on what we have discussed before on the
> List.
> The application in which you open the RAW file must make assumptions about
> how to present the image. From what you say, and it sounds logical, Studio
> and Master take account of the image settings in the Oly camera, perhaps the
> ones used to generate a jpg. Without having checked, I supposed that
> Aperture doesn't even see these settings, but makes a guess at how it should
> be presented for viewing and subsequent processing. I should say that
> Aperture treats all RAW files the same when making a preview and that's what
> I mean by "neutral".
Probably not quite right. As you say, the camera maker's converter will
generally use the camera settings as default, certainly true of Canon. I
don't know about Aperture, but would guess their approach is similar to
Adobe's, who create their default settings for each camera based on
shots of a test chart, similar in concept to creating an ICC profile.
So no, they don't treat all cameras the same, but yes, they aim for
neutrality. Oddly enough, the few times I have checked, I've found the
ACR defaults better than Canon's converter, with all camera settings at
> What do you think? I shall do some experiments with jpg and RAF files in an
> E-3 over the weekend.
I didn't know the RAF had its own image file format.
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