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[OM] [OT] leica M 50mm lens wanted

Subject: [OM] [OT] leica M 50mm lens wanted
From: zuiko <zuikooh@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 21:01:55 +0100
Hello, coming out of lurk mode... I was looking for a second hand  
voigtlander vc II meter for my pen FV and I just got one with a Leica  
M3 attached:) for less than 500 euro. So I guess I'll have to try  
leica territory. There is also a leica 50 F2 attached but that shows  
severe cleaning marks. Now it aches to try something faster and  
cleaner. So if you have anything not too expensive (hahaleica) you may  
always offer something from 40 to 50 mm, can be leica, Jupiter,  
cosvoigt or other compatible lenses. All THE best, Iwert 
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