The THM files created when shooting raw are 160x120 pixels. Doesn't
sound like 4X to me. Besides, it's not possible to magnify the image so
why would it be larger than the screen?
Chuck Norcutt
Ken Norton wrote:
>> You are probably correct in that statement but the use of the JPEG may
>> be limited. The Mynolta A1 does create a JPEG when shooting raw
>> although it doesn't embed it. The problem it that the JPEG is nothing
>> but a thumbnail image designed to exactly fit the display screen on the
>> camera. Because it is so small chimpers are unable to do anything about
>> enlarging the image on screen because there is no detail to enlarge. I
>> suspect every camera is different.
> The A1's in-camera review jpeg is exactly 4X the screen size.
> AG
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