Your edited image of the shop looks a fair bit like the PSE 8.0 default
conversion. Your rework of the flower has a different (warmer) color
temperature than the default PSE conversion.
Chuck Norcutt
Russ Butler wrote:
> Russ Butler wrote:
>> Chuck Norcutt wrote:
>>> I'll add that I tried the first one. CS3 can't convert it because it's
>>> too early for the E-620 but PSE 8.0 can. The PSE 8.0 conversion looks
>>> very close to the camera's JPEG. The only thing that struck me right
>>> off is that the purple paint in the upper right hand corner is a bit
>>> darker and slightly more saturated in the PSE conversion. I guess I
>>> should compare some Canon CR2 files between CS3 and PSE 8.0 since
>>> someone (I think it was Candace) complained of a difference between CS3
>>> and PSE 8's conversions... but I'm too lazy at the moment.
>>> Chuck Norcutt
>> Thanks Chuck (I think :-).
>> I'll download a few pairs.
> OK so now I'm talking to myself :-)
> Anyway, I downloaded a couple and had a look.
> &
> (picked this for the violet which is often a pita for me.)
> Also got the jpegs which don't impress me.
> &
> ImageMagick 6.5.4-9 didn't crash but didn't convert the ORF's to
> anything useful unless you can do something with black. (SORRY I
> recommended this route a few times in this thread. Could be a newer
> version would be ok but I didn't bother to check. I think it relies on
> dcraw.)
> RawTherapee 2.4.1 crashed. Newer version might help this but I don't use
> it very often.
> Photoline, (, the editor that I use most often,
> opened them and converted them to tiffs that look like my raw film scans
> do after I expand their histograms. I edited them as I would my raw film
> scans & they look guttenuf to me.
> I just did a bit of mid range contrast & gamma increase, a lot of
> saturation & light LCE. I used NeatImage for noise reduction and
> sharpening as I normally would but I doubt that'd show in the web sizes
> (the flower shot was fairly noisy). I used ImageMagick to convert to
> jpeg, downsize and sharpen a tad more.
> Anyway it was an interesting exercise and cleared up the ORF "mystery"
> for me :-)
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: