This is great, Moose, thank you!
I was unaware of the option to edit keyboard shortcuts, nor of right
clicking on the layers palette to flatten. I am surprised I didn't
stumble across that one on my own, as I am often right clicking on
things just to see what shows up as an option.
Moose wrote:
> Ctrl-Shift-E merges all visible (selected) layers, sort of a super
> Ctrl-E. For those who name layers, there is a difference between the
> two. Ctrl-E retains the name of the lower layer for the merge, while
> Ctrl-Shift-E retains the name of the top visible layer. Logically
> inconsistent.
> Flatten Image is also available on the Pallette Menu by right clicking
> on any level. This could actually be more convenient than a keyboard
> shortcut if your next move involves mouse use.
> Also, keyboard shortcuts may be edited, Edit=>Keyboard Shortcuts. You
> will find that most are already assigned, but you may replace one use
> with another. If, for example, a shortcut for Flatten Image is of more
> use to you than one for creating a new layer that merges, but does not
> delete, all visible layers, Alt-Shift-Ctrl-E makes sense in context of
> the other merge shortcuts.
> Moose
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