Thanks for that link, Chuck.
Already bought "Real World Image Sharpening with Adobe Photoshop CS2:
Industrial-Strength Production Techniques - By Bruce Fraser " - but
too lazy lately to start reading it.
2009/11/5 Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> I'm not sure who might have made such an erroneous statement since all
> digital images do require sharpening (including those from a scanner).
> In fact, when done properly, digital images should be sharpened twice.
> The first sharpening is called "capture sharpening". It is a light
> sharpening and is independent of any planned use of the image. This is
> the type of sharpening done in Camera Raw. The next sharpening is called
> "output sharpening" where the degree of sharpening is related to output
> print size. Such sharpening is obviously not done until a final image
> is cropped and sized for a particular print size. I'll leave the
> discussion to this link
> <>
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: