I am not sure that I completely agree with you here. First of, UV and
grad ND filters, while not cheap, are not all that expensive either, and
some folks may already have them from their film days. Secondly, the
digital darkroom is anything but free, software costs, and computer
hardware are not cheap either.
In the end, cost may well be a wash depending on where you are starting
from. In the end it probably is more a matter of personal preference -
for me, I would rather to things in the field via filters than at the
computer. It is not that one is any better than the other, but I really
do not enjoy working at the computer myself.
Jim Couch
Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> Sounds to me like you're spending a lot of money to do what can be done
> quickly and free in the digital darkroom.
> Chuck Norcutt
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: