Moose wrote:
> Now I really have to disagree in practice. I just imported a folder of
> the 135 images in my Strybing Arboretum* album into Windows Movie Maker,
> pulled them into the storyboard, imported three audio tracks, pulled
> them into the audio track, added a title and wrote the whole thing to DVD.
> I put the DVD into my player - and it plays, complete with audio and
> very attractive animated menu. It took a while to encode the data, less
> time to actually write it to disk, but I don't have to tend that, it's
> all in background. All about as hard as falling off a log. Since it's
> true DVD format video, it should play on pretty much any player, I suppose.
I would have piped up earlier, but it's mum's birthday, been out all day.
You can do all this straight out of Vista, no extra software required,
it works really well. Might be only Home Premium up, though.
I believe they're dropping it from Windows 7, pointing people at the
'Live' version instead.
I'm a Mac, but I'm happy with my PC.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: