Again, thanks, Moose. I didn't realise that Picasa was so clever.
Picasa is great as a quick cataloguer of images, not so good with
making changes to image or EXIF/IPTC, but this raises it again ...
On 15 Oct 2009, at 06:27, Moose wrote:
>> Ken Norton wrote:
>>> Moose, I would agree with you in principle, but the problem here is
>>> that Khen is trying to master a DVD that will play in any DVD player
>>> on any television. I don't think the FastStone/Picassa solution
>>> will
>>> work here.
>> Then I guess I have to disagree with you in practice. I just
>> grabbed a
>> folder of images and an audio track in Picassa, had it create a movie
>> and save it to disk. I imported that into Windows Movie Maker and
>> asked it to Publish to DVD, which opened Windows DVD maker, which
>> offered to burn a movie DVD.
> Now I really have to disagree in practice. I just imported a folder of
> the 135 images in my Strybing Arboretum* album into Windows Movie
> Maker,
> pulled them into the storyboard, imported three audio tracks, pulled
> them into the audio track, added a title and wrote the whole thing
> to DVD.
> I put the DVD into my player - and it plays, complete with audio and
> very attractive animated menu. It took a while to encode the data,
> less
> time to actually write it to disk, but I don't have to tend that, it's
> all in background. All about as hard as falling off a log. Since it's
> true DVD format video, it should play on pretty much any player, I
> suppose.
> Some images look pretty good on a 61" HDTV, other are pretty soft. Not
> unexpected, as I didn't explore options and the images are cropped to
> various sizes for web presentation, so the software resized them. It's
> really quite presentable as a whole. With a little testing -
> rewritable
> DVDs help- I'm sure I could create one with consistently sharper
> images
> by doing my own pre-sizing.
> It's never going to compete with HD, 'cause DVDs just don't have that
> definition capability, but a that will be a problem with any DVD
> solution.
> I did all this under Vista. I don't know how similar the XP version of
> Windows Movie Maker is.
> Now that Carol has seen the test DVD playing, she wants the images
> from
> our recent trip on DVD. Ooops ;-)
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: