Yes, I think that's pathetic. They built 2 brand new baseball stadiums
in less than a year for the mets and the yankess, while 8 years later
ground zero is still mostly a pit. Of course, how fast the buildings go
up is up the the land owners, not the President. These guys can't even
agree on a design.
John Hermanson | CPS, Inc.
21 South Ln., Huntington NY 11743
631-424-2121 |
Olympus OM Service since 1977
Clay Nichols wrote:
> John You are so right about undoing the damage. How are the new WTC
> towers coming along? Any new attacks lately? Clay
>>>> John Hermanson <omtech1@xxxxxxxxxxx> 10/12/09 10:08 AM >>>
> The nomination was made in February. I've heard it elsewhere, but
> it's been said it's an award "for not being Bush". There is so much
> damage to undo and it will take a long time. It's not about actually
> achieving peace but making the effort needed to move towards it.
> ___________________________________ John Hermanson | CPS, Inc. 21
> South Ln., Huntington NY 11743 631-424-2121 | Olympus
> OM Service since 1977 Gallery:
> Chris Barker wrote:
>> Charlie
>> I detected no irony in Philippe's message. And I mean none when I
>> join him.
>> Mr Obama strikes me as an impressive man and the Nobel committee
>> must think so as well ...
>> Chris
>> On 9 Oct 2009, at 14:45, Charles Geilfuss wrote:
>>> Philippe, On behalf of all America I accept your congratulation.
>>> Although if nothing else I've learned from the OM List, we
>>> Americans are somewhat deficient in irony detectors (among other
>>> things I'm sure). The main difference between the Nobel Peace
>>> Prize and all other Nobel Prizes, the time gap between the award
>>> and the accomplishment is usually in the 10-20 year range. Not so
>>> for the peace prize. President Obama may have started us on the
>>> path to a more peaceful world but we won't really know for a few
>>> years. Same for Jimmy Carter; he was awarded the Prize as well
>>> but in the end nothing really came of his efforts.
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