Perhaps you could improve your income further by telling your customers
that you expect to be paid now based on your stated intent to cover
their events and do a good job in the process. Should you not actually
be there or take any photographs they will need to understand that
global events may have conspired to interfere with your plans. But,
since you still need to eat and buy film they still need to pay...
especially if you gave them inspiration through your marketing materials
that yours would likely be the best event coverage yet. I'd suggest
that you book as many events as you can as fast as you can. Maybe it
will be self-fulfilling prophecy.
I think my knee is feeling better already. Did you have anything to do
with that? :-) :-) :-)
Dr. Feel Good
Ken Norton wrote:
>> You are so right about undoing the damage. How are the new WTC towers
>> coming along? Any new attacks lately?
> Well, I know that my life completely changed and everything is so much
> better now with our new President. I can't believe that I actually survived
> the last eight years living under the oppressive incompetence of the
> predecessor.
> All of my civil liberties were immediately restored, nukes were eliminated,
> my bank account has tons more money in it, terrorist attacks around the
> world ceased and NOBODY goes hungry now. Even the fully democrat controlled
> federal government is making sure that I'll never get sick again!
> As a sign that everything is now perfect in the world, even the Maharishis
> have stopped praying for world peace!
> Yes, it is amazing how things are soooo different now. The eight years of
> misery are over. Our national disgrace is history.
> Oh, did I mention that global warming is now a thing of the past? Our new
> president even solved that problem on the first day in office!
> AG
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: