The nomination was made in February. I've heard it elsewhere, but it's
been said it's an award "for not being Bush". There is so much damage
to undo and it will take a long time. It's not about actually achieving
peace but making the effort needed to move towards it.
John Hermanson | CPS, Inc.
21 South Ln., Huntington NY 11743
631-424-2121 |
Olympus OM Service since 1977
Chris Barker wrote:
> Charlie
> I detected no irony in Philippe's message. And I mean none when I
> join him.
> Mr Obama strikes me as an impressive man and the Nobel committee must
> think so as well ...
> Chris
> On 9 Oct 2009, at 14:45, Charles Geilfuss wrote:
>> Philippe,
>> On behalf of all America I accept your congratulation. Although if
>> nothing
>> else I've learned from the OM List, we Americans are somewhat
>> deficient in
>> irony detectors (among other things I'm sure).
>> The main difference between the Nobel Peace Prize and all other Nobel
>> Prizes, the time gap between the award and the accomplishment is
>> usually in
>> the 10-20 year range. Not so for the peace prize. President Obama
>> may have
>> started us on the path to a more peaceful world but we won't really
>> know for
>> a few years. Same for Jimmy Carter; he was awarded the Prize as well
>> but in
>> the end nothing really came of his efforts.
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