I detected no irony in Philippe's message. And I mean none when I
join him.
Mr Obama strikes me as an impressive man and the Nobel committee must
think so as well ...
On 9 Oct 2009, at 14:45, Charles Geilfuss wrote:
> Philippe,
> On behalf of all America I accept your congratulation. Although if
> nothing
> else I've learned from the OM List, we Americans are somewhat
> deficient in
> irony detectors (among other things I'm sure).
> The main difference between the Nobel Peace Prize and all other Nobel
> Prizes, the time gap between the award and the accomplishment is
> usually in
> the 10-20 year range. Not so for the peace prize. President Obama
> may have
> started us on the path to a more peaceful world but we won't really
> know for
> a few years. Same for Jimmy Carter; he was awarded the Prize as well
> but in
> the end nothing really came of his efforts.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: