I forgot to drop down the exact values but do remember the procedure since
it was very simple.
For the first image: Highlight/shadow tool: shadow - 0, highlight ~ 7-10.
Curve tool: Single point curve push up near the
upper region.
For the 2nd image: Curve tool: two points, something like 64/69; 159/188
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Norcutt"
> Thanks. Yes, as I commented later, Moose's version had given her
> jaundice. Yours is closer but a little too red for this particular girl
> who has very pale skin and hair (although her hair has a little bit of
> strawberry blond dye streaks in it right now).
> So, the same question I gave Moose. What did you do?
> C.H.Ling wrote:
>> I'm game:
>> http://www.accura.com.hk/temp/temp/photo2.htm
>> I prefer more mid-tone contrast on the 2nd one. Moose's conversion is a
>> little too yellowish to my eyes.
>> C.H.Ling
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Moose"
>>> Chuck Norcutt wrote:
>>>> Maybe we don' need no steenkin' flashes. .... As I mentioned not long
>>>> ago, this year I decided to try
>>>> without fill flash and make up the difference in PhotoShop. Here's
>>>> what
>>>> I've got so far.
>>>> <http://www.chucknorcutt.com/Alex%20&%20Caitlin%20-%20August%202009/>
>>> I think more realistic results are possible.
>>> <http://www.moosemystic.net/Gallery/Others/CNorcutt/img_2646.htm>
>>>> ... What's missing for sure is the flash catch lights.
>>> To me, losing catch lights is a plus, as it looks more natural.
>>>> I'm not sure what if anything I'll do from here but it's certainly
>>>> possible I think to do without the flash and make do with
>>>> post-processing. Even the shot on the tire in full sun doesn't look
>>>> too
>>>> bad.
>>> Again, I think a more natural result is possible.
>>> <http://www.moosemystic.net/Gallery/Others/CNorcutt/img_2609.htm>
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