Frank van Lindert wrote:
> Thanks for your efforts and input, Moose.
As long as I have used the time to inform myself, I might as well share
it. Obviously, it's being put to use more quickly tham I am likely to do
so. :-)
> I was a bit confused because you said that the data were standard gtx. I now
> take it this was a mistake and you menat .gpx? That is what I always use.
Brain fart.
> And I prefer the LiIon battery over the three AAA cells. You can charge them
> from any USB port, not necessarily on a computer but also on a car or mains
> charger with 5V output. My cell phone charger will do fine...
Yes, that's what I thought, as well, but some folks, even here, are
adamant against proprietary batteries.
> I'll share my experience in "due course" ;-)
I'm looking forward to it.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: