Nathan Wajsman wrote:
> So then my golf course pano did not suffer from this because by dumb luck the
> lens to subject distance did not change much as I rotated the camera?
Yup, unless you created the two differently. If you look at the beach
image, the effect is modest, just glaringly obvious because of the
simplicity of the subject.
In the golf course, you have a complex mix of subject matter at all
sorts of different distances from the camera.
If you search for "horizon camera images" on Google, you will find lots
of them.In many the effect isn't noticable at all, others only if one is
looking for it and in a few, it is obvious and annoying.
I found some wonderful examples when I was last looking, but they aren't
showing up now. A close-up shot of a ship from the pier was comical.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: