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Re: [OM] Bokeh on Film vs Digital

Subject: Re: [OM] Bokeh on Film vs Digital
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 11:01:18 -0500
> Come on... tell us... You also decided to start using Medium Format?

LOL, sure!  Let me just run out and pick up that Contax 645AF system I've
always wanted.

> Honestly, I don't know why we muck about with these other toys (35mm
> film photography, I mean) except for extreme tele, ultra-wide, and >1:1
> macro...

I disagree. I believe that 35mm (especially as defined by Leica and Olympus)
offer an operational gestalt which is not specifications-based. I can put up
with a lot of grain and other faults if it means creating a compelling

One day when I get a real scanner, I will show those of you who are
> disbelievers :-)

That's probably my biggest limiting factor in going with larger formats. My
darkroom (which is currently boxed) is comfortably able to go up to 6x6, but
my digitization equipment is limited to 35mm. I'm not really interested in
spending much money right now in non-image-acquisition hardware.

So yes... Ken. I am sure that you've tried MF before, but things are
> so affordable right now, it's worth a look. If not - well, it was worth a
> shot.

Would a new Zero Image 4x5 count?

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