C.H.Ling wrote:
> I don't know what you have done to the images, at least for #2 the JPEG
> artifacts is more than the original from Brian's site.
I meant to simply display them as I got them. Unfortunately, they have
some problem such that Singapore won't display them with footers and
navigation in that form. I assume something like the trouble Btian had
with getting complete files to upload messed them up.
All I did was have PS load and resave them. Generally, on such cycle
with JPEGs that aren't too compressed won't be visible. #2, however
already had compression problems, so they got a bit worse. If I'd known
what I was getting into, I'd not have started.
> I agreed that there are some JPEG artifacts due to compression but in my
> monitor/eyes I have to look careful to find it out.
My eagle eye was immediately bothered by #2 when I first saw it.
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