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Re: [OM] Trip to Canada in June

Subject: Re: [OM] Trip to Canada in June
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 21:11:59 -0400
The indians can have as many cigarettes as they want tax free... for 
their own use.  But selling them to folks off the reservation without 
taxes is a different matter.  It goes on all the time, the state hasn't 
been able to stop it and it has been the source of a couple of gun 
battles between indians and NY state police.  The degree of the uproar 
depends on the governor that's sitting at the time and the state's 
fiscal position.  Not good right now.  Some trouble must be brewing.

Chuck Norcutt

Sandy Harris wrote:

> On the Canadian side, the Ontario provincial gov't bitches about
> "smuggling" when Indians bring in cigarettes and do not pay
> provincial taxes on them. Not sure if NY state does the same.
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