The empty card reader itself wouldn't show up in the Finder, but any card in
it (containing files or not) will show up as a volume.
You can check if the reader is recognized on the USB bus:
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For my SanDisk USB reader, I see "ImageMate 14 in 1 Reader/Writer", in my
case under "USB High-Speed Bus".
On 3/11/09 4:40 PM, Bob Whitmire wrote:
> I have an electronic picture frame No. 1 son gave me a while back.
> Turns out it won't hook into a computer to download pictures, you have
> to feed it with a card. I have a 2 gig XD card that's just sitting
> around. So I dug out the old Camedia USB card reader, downloaded the
> appropriate software for the Mac, and plugged in the reader.
> Nothing. I was expecting it to show up as an external drive I could
> then load with pictures to put on the frame, but now I'm thinking it's
> a one way gizmo, and it has to have files on the XD card before the
> software kicks in.
> Anyone familiar with this?
> Thanx!
> --Bob Whitmire
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: