Thanks, C.H.
Yes, I had noticed the histogram clipped, specially in the Red channel -
Thought noone would care to open the .jpeg to check it ! :-)
And yes again: made most curves and sharpen in Lab, when saw Levels in
Lab ... wow, it was just too late to start all over (3 a.m.) _ :-(
Seems clipping is more noticeable in RGB, really just don't know as I
had already made some other color adjustments in RGB.
Anyway, I was smart enough to not use NI this time: not a single noise
reduction s'ware.
Tempted to use high-pass-sharpening instead of Brightness in Lab ... no
time last night, finished uploading at 5:30 a.m.
Nevermind: I have the .tiff right out of the 4000ED, shall try again as
soon as possible ( next week ... ) - I feel curious on how would it look
like when fitted into a proper histogram , perhaps a little less
dramatic :-)
Shall announce v.2 although I wouldn't like to bore the list.
C.H.Ling wrote:
> A very nice shot with beautiful color and composition! It seems that the
> scan could do better, clipping of histrogram on both sides is not that nice.
> May be it is due to color profile conversion?
> C.H.Ling
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: