In the first image check the top edge of the large branch and buds 1/3
of the way down on the right side. On the second image I see faint
chroma or purple fringing on the underside of the branch on either side
of the flower.
Chuck Norcutt
C.H.Ling wrote:
> Interesting, I can't find any chroma on the first shot but on the bird shot,
> I see a little purple fringe on the left side especially the top left petal.
> For the aperture, I can't remember very well but most likely both are at
> F5.6.
> C.H.Ling
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chuck Norcutt"
>> You couldn't ask for better detail in the bird. I can clearly see the
>> chroma in the first image but it's much less prominent in the second.
>> What's the difference? Aperture?
>> Chuck Norcutt
>> C.H.Ling wrote:
>>> Ok, even I had some complain on the CA, the 300/4.5 is still an
>>> indispensable lens for me, I support about Ken's opinion, here are two
>>> shots
>>> taken with the lens early last year on an OM-40D body at F5.6.
>>> This one shows the bokeh:
>>> This one shows the details resolved:
>>> Of course I expect it will work even better on a FF OM-5D II body :-)
>>> C.H.Ling
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