You'll note that the cloth parts of a focal plane shutter were
referred to as 'curtains' or blinds' - both window terms.
And we still talk about 2nd Curtain flash synchronisation although
they are metal blades these days.
I loved the old Contax/Kiev shutter which was like a segmented roller
blind with a unique noise.
Shutters 'shut out' the light.
Fiat lux.
Andrew Fildes
On 18/01/2009, at 7:21 AM, Frank van Lindert wrote:
> Michael, I think I understand the origin and change of the meaning of
> the word now.
> A shutter originally was meant to keep the light out.
> The mechanism resembling the window shutter was built into cameras
> (when light sensitive material which made exposure times of less than
> say one second possible became available).
> This mechanism borrowed the name, although the new function was to let
> light enter instead of keeping it out.
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