At 12:24 AM 1/9/2009, you wrote:
>WayneS wrote:
>> Very very nice.
>> Oly missed the boat not enabling OM'ers the way a Can*n FF does.
>That seems a bit unfair. <snip>
>Canon never offered an EF to 4/3 adapter, they are all third party. All
>Canon has done is offer FF cameras
Exactly, "All Can*n has done is offer FF cameras." They did not arbitrarily
limit the sensor size. With time, it has become clear the 4/3rds system will
be more limited than a FF system. The lenses will need to be extra sharp,
the noise will never be as good, ... And everyone can argue that 10mp is
good enough, and all you should ever need, etc etc. They missed the
boat in my opinion. They left people who wanted FF to find an
alternative. And to me, it has nothing to do with lens adapters, but every
thing to do with the system offered.
I'm not a big enthusiast of stop down metering. That is just not my
thing. The 4/3rds system is targeting a different user, and not what I
was wanting coming from the OM system. They missed the boat.
Even Sony now has FF, Nikon has FF. Soon you can probably
get a Leica with FF. But Oly never will. Sony is doing what Oly
should have done. Exceptional viewfinder, built in IS, FF. Oly just got
behind the curve with the OM system when AF and IS started, so
they just punted the old OM system. Probably not a bad choice,
but the 4/3rds sensor was not a good choice, IMO. They will again find
themselves behind the curve. Why else do so many people on this
list have a 5D's? Just so they can use the old Zuikos? I don't think
so. So the next wave of Oly 4/3rds will be smaller size, eventually...
WayneS - in a pissy mood, sorry... long day
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: