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Re: [OM] More managed bokeh

Subject: Re: [OM] More managed bokeh
From: usher99@xxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2009 19:53:53 -0500
As we've seemed to digress into bokeh battles, I'll nominate Big Foot 
(CV 125 f2.5 APO) as a bokeh beauty.  I hope I won't be
accused of heresy and I do have it in OM mount.  It can be almost magic 
at most distances wider than F8 foreground included.   The magic can 
fade significantly  depending on the distances involved after that. The 
Z. 135
is not leaving my grasp but the bokeh is a bit busier under similiar 
conditions as far as I can tell.  The CV remains quite sharp wide open
but is more subject to vibration due to its weight, length and lack of 
tripod mount.    The Walt/Moose bean-shot filled bag is a nice aid with 
it.  I did post a couple macro examples with it but here is a bit more 



I'll admit to being smitten, and things look most impressive thorugh 
the OM VF and as AG has said the 1-13 seems better to judge the bokeh, 
though I can rely on Big Foot when I do use my 2-13 in the 4-T to 
usually come through.
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