Like Michael Johnston said, these new cameras are seeing BETTER than he (and
I) can. It's a little bit like shooting IR, you have some sense of what's in
there, but our eyes aren't good enough!
Hmmm... pushed slides usually look lousy. I may have one roll of 400X lying
around. May be I will give it a, um, 36, shots.
On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 11:12 PM, Dawid Loubser <dawidl@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Oh, I did, I did... I like them all very much. I guess what the 'deal'
> in newer
> cameras like the D3/D700 are about, is to produce images without
> artifacts which
> can be enlarged rather hugely without problem.
> Any processing on, say, a 5MP E-1 image, will severely reduce fine
> textures and
> resolution. Ultimately, f the shot is good, it doesn't really matter -
> which is why
> the best images ever made were still done on grainy black and white,
> around 2MP resolution
> :-)
> I am wanting to try Fuji Provia 400X pushed two stops, it is supposed
> to offer colour imaging
> performance equaling or bettering many DSLRs. Has anybody tried this?
// richard m: richard
// b:
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