On Mon, 8 Dec 2008, Ken Norton wrote:
> But I'll attempt the following first: Take utility knife and make many,
> many, many slight cuts along the seam until I finally break through. If I
> get tired of that, I'll use the cutting disk on the dremel to cut a slot and
> pry the beast open.
Now I remember how I used to open these things. In addition to the knife I
used inward pressure on the seams to help break the bond. There's quite a
bit of space behind the case and if you use enough pressure to get it to
bend inward a few times you can get it to start to crack. Then use the kinfe
to gently pry it apart. Here are a few photos of a pack that I took apart
using this method:
The edges break nice and clean so that it fits together nicely again. It
should only take 5-10 minutes to get the case open. No need to use glue
when reassembling it, the clips and screws are enough.
> I was going to see if i could stuff a bunch of Eneloops in the thing.
If you want the pack to last any length of time get someone to weld tabs
to whatever batteries you use. Appying heat directly to the cells to
solder wires on to them is a sure way to ruin them. You should only
ever solder directly on the tabs.
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