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[OM] Re: Happy Chanukah to all that celebrate it

Subject: [OM] Re: Happy Chanukah to all that celebrate it
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2007 09:05:09 +1100
Asa opposed to the present religion which is to do with slaughtering  
a lot of turkeys, right?
I sometimes imagine an archaeologist 2,000 years hence trying to  
separate the components of the Christmas ritual, the learned  
dissertations on Santa worshippers, tree fetishes and bird sacrifices.
At least with Mithras you ended up with steak.
Andrew Fildes

On 06/12/2007, at 8:50 AM, Moose wrote:

> You folks do know Mithras is killing a bull, not involving it in a
> positive form of worship, right?

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