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[OM] What would you do? UPDATE

Subject: [OM] What would you do? UPDATE
From: "Daniel Sepke" <daniel.sepke@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 09:51:36 -0500
First off I will offer a great big thank you to everyone who responded to my
plea for help. The options and suggestions that where made included many I
had not considered. The job is rapidly approaching and I decided to stay
with the E System and have ordered the 7-14mm from B&H. I think it was Bill
Barber that pointed out that this lens will have a better long term appeal
and resale value than the third party lens I had considered. I feel that by
going this route I can do more things in the immediate future and delay what
I suspect is in some ways an inevitable system switch.

Thank you all again!

Dan S.

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