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[OM] Re: 1st roll with an OM

Subject: [OM] Re: 1st roll with an OM
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2006 07:11:45 -0400
I don't think the difference of opinion has to do with displays and 
neither one of us is right or wrong.  The difference is in 
interpretation of what you wanted the picture to portray.  I can also 
see a case in #2 of exposing for the small area of sunshine but, since 
the heavily shaded areas are 5 stops down from the sunlight they will 
likely be rendered near black on a print.  But that might look very, 
very nice and be exactly the effect you'd like.

The important point is that when mixing brilliant sunshine with shadow 
you just can't get it all because the technology of film, sensors and 
(especially) photo printing can't handle the brightness range.  Letting 
the meter decide for you and getting some averaged exposure will give 
you, well, an averaged exposure.  Might be OK but more likely neither 
the highlights or the shadows will be correct.  You should examine the 
scene and choose to go with one or the other unless you intend to scan 
the film and try to digitally recover more of the dynamic range.

Recognize also that, no matter what your original exposure intent, it 
will be totally destroyed by the print lab's automated exposure system 
which will once again search for some averaged exposure.  That's a good 
reason for scanning and doing you own printing... at least for some prints.

Perhaps the best advice you had (from Bill?) was to shun 10:00am to 
2:00pm as a time to shoot pictures unless you've got some overcast skies 
to soften those shadows.  On smaller subjects (like portraits) you can 
use fill flash to help out.

Chuck Norcutt

priit@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> On Sun, 4 Jun 2006, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
>>For #2 the main subject and area of the frame is in shade so you need to
>>open up more.
> I totally agree about #1 being overexposed, but oddly, to me it seems that
> #2, if anything, could have been exposed less. I guess this could 
> be due to different displays.

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