Both sRGB and RGB colorspaces are generally broader than a Monitor
colorspace, so, I would prefer keep the larger color gamut avaiable and
let the Monitor CLUT do the conversion.
For example It's possible that the blue You monitor can display goes
farther than the blues of an sRGB color space.
Of course, the possibilities are various, as is the monitor response...
BTW, I apologize for not having answered to Your post on aluminum
adapers, Bernard, I did'nt have much time, and lastly I forgot to
answer... D'oohh!
The fact is that the anodization layer on an aluminium surface, doesn't
stick to the aluminum like galvanic nickel would on copper.
And for it's nature, under friction is likely to disgregate, producing
fine powder.
Just thing of mounting an objective on an adapter, and the
sollecitations it undergoes.
This, was told me from a friend, a mechanic with the hobby of
On Aug 30, 2005, at 12:33 PM, Bernard Frangoulis wrote:
>> Chris, the sRGB color space, has a lower gamut than RGB, and was
>> developed primarily for Offset Printing.
>> For the web, it's better maintain the RGB colorspace.
> Do you mean keep the Adobe RGB colorspace? No, I don't think this is
> true.
> sRGB does have a "narrower" gamut than e.g. Adobe RGB, but is THE
> colorspace that should be used for Web pictures as it can be
> considered a "lower common denominator" for most monitors, and will
> allow your photos to be viewed more or less adequately on any monitor.
> Of course, the trade off is that when converting from the wider
> colorspace you used when editing your picture to the narrower sRGB
> colorspace, you will lose something. Currently, this is the price to
> pay.
> Bernard
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