Chris, the sRGB color space, has a lower gamut than RGB, and was
developed primarily for Offset Printing.
For the web, it's better maintain the RGB colorspace.
For comparison, You can open the Colorsync utility, clik on the icon
named "profiles", select sRGB from "system" in the window on the left,
named "Profile", then clik on the triangle on the right of "Lab Plot"
on the right and choose "hold for comparison" from the menu that does
appear, then choose "generic RGB profile", the larger RGB profile will
appear as a white net, over the coloured sRGB, giving an idea of the
difference in Color Spaces.
Just to make things even worste, monitor Colorspaces do vary a lot...
On Aug 30, 2005, at 11:06 AM, Chris Barker wrote:
> Alfredo
> Thanks for your email and your advice.
> On 30 Aug 2005, at 07:27, alfredo pagliano wrote:
>> It does seem to me You have problems with color profiles.
> You're probably right, and now is the time to sort it out.
>> What color profile was embedded in your image from the camera?
>> sRGB or RGB?
>> Did You process RAW or use the Jpeg straight from the camera?
> Adobe RGB and JPEG. I tried converting to sRGB and putting it on a
> separate page; it is at:
> It looks better already, but I must find out more.
>> If, like me You use a Mac, You should be aware that the Colorsync
>> engine manages the appareance of even the images displayed in Safari.
>> This does mean the image looks different to You than on a PC without
>> colour management or simply another browse, to the best of my
>> knowledge
>> Safari is still the only browser supporting color profiles, so, You
>> can
>> download Firefox, or Camino, and display the image on this browser to
>> see if it does diplay differently, You can find them at:
> I tried it in Camino and it looked pretty similar. However, that is
> partly to do with the surrounding dark colour which has made the
> whole image a little warmer, or more saturated.
>> RapidWeaver is a great little program, and is not to blame for this.
> Thanks for reassuring me. But I have to use Dreamweaver to make
> things like tables; I did this for the website for my parish church,
> under construction at:
> On the other hand the relative simplicity of RapidWeaver's themes has
> transformed the way I look at making websites - simpler and smaller
> is better.
>> There are two ways to get rid of this, first add code on Your page
>> telling the browser not to use the embedded color profile, of
>> simply be
>> sure to turn off Photoshop color management, and save whitout embedded
>> color profile, by unchecking the flag in the save as dialog.
>> Be aware that even in this case, having the mac by default different
>> color temperatures and monitor gamma from a PC, the images will look
>> brighter on Your screen than on a PC.
>> Simply cannot understand why some people keep using PCs... ;-)
>> To get an idea, if You use safari, please check the difference:
>> this is an image I posted on a site, since the site engine
>> automatically resized it, the image did loose the embedded color
>> profile,
>> click on the image to see it real size, and see how hues and
>> saturation
>> change.
>> If You have Firefox, open the link and click on the image: colour and
>> saturation will not change.
>> If You want to know more, launch the Colorsync Utility, You can
>> find it
>> in Applications\Utilities, or simply spotlight the words, and launch
>> the application help, if You haven't done this before, You simply will
>> be amazed from the power concealed under the bonnet of OS X, You can
>> even use it to compare color profiles!
> I will do that, thanks Alfredo.
>> Hope this helps.
>> BTW, saturation may sure not be good for skin tones, but I really like
>> it when it comes to airplanes and sky, I like these shots very much.
> Mille grazie :-)
>> Alfredo
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