Concerning color profile, the most common one are sRGB and Adobe RGB,
haven't heard of RGB color profile, may be you mean non-profiled.
You don't need to care which has boarder color gamut, most monitors are
profiled for sRGB, for accurate display you need sRGB profiled image. The
rest is the quality of the monitor and if you have proper device to
calibrate you monitor or not.
For DSLR I always shoot RAW and only use sRGB since most output devices
(including monitor and my Polaroid film printer) use this. If you use other
profile you still end up with the rout of converting profile and create
----- Original Message -----
From: "alfredo pagliano" <alfredo_pag@xxxxxxxx>
> Both sRGB and RGB colorspaces are generally broader than a Monitor
> colorspace, so, I would prefer keep the larger color gamut avaiable and
> let the Monitor CLUT do the conversion.
> For example It's possible that the blue You monitor can display goes
> farther than the blues of an sRGB color space.
> Of course, the possibilities are various, as is the monitor response...
> Alfredo
> BTW, I apologize for not having answered to Your post on aluminum
> adapers, Bernard, I did'nt have much time, and lastly I forgot to
> answer... D'oohh!
> The fact is that the anodization layer on an aluminium surface, doesn't
> stick to the aluminum like galvanic nickel would on copper.
> And for it's nature, under friction is likely to disgregate, producing
> fine powder.
> Just thing of mounting an objective on an adapter, and the
> sollecitations it undergoes.
> This, was told me from a friend, a mechanic with the hobby of
> photography.
> Alfredo
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