A bit hard to find, but well worth it (IMHO) is the Tokina seven element
2x converter. Good image quality. I also have a Soligor 1.5x that is
pretty nice as well, especially since you only loose one stop with it.
Jim Couch
Gareth.J.Martin wrote:
>Dear All,
> I'm after a bit of advice. I would like to purchase a
>tele-converter for my OM-1n. I know there are OM tele-converters at 1.4x
>and 2.0x and these would be my preferable choice but could anyone
>recommend any other OM fit tele-converters from other manufacturers?
>Also I know that using tele-converters alters the f-stops of the main
>lens being used. Will the exposure meter account for this or will I have
>to do this manually? Thanks in advance.
>All the best,
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