The dreaded income taxes are near completion ( Tax year 2002 - never do today
what you can put off until tomorrow, which in this case is October 15 ) and
my bride and I are getting out of town. I don't know why I'm posting this
other than my excitement about being complete, other than ponying up a few more
dollars, with my taxes. A couple of days San Marcos should purge my system of
any residual crud associated with this task.
The kit: 2 OM 2S bodies, one with Tri-X the other with some Velvia 50. Zuiko
16mm & 35-105mm. Tamron 24-48mm, 90mm and 180mm.
The agenda: Maybe a dip in the river, a little Bar-b-que at Kreuz's in
Lockhart, some visiting with an 86 year young lady friend and a little
Life is good!
Bill Barber