Sorry for any misunderstanding but when I said 135 format I was referring
to 35mm still camera format. I believe this is still a commonly used
abbreviation? It's still written on film boxes anyway. Thus, "a standard
lens in 135 format" corresponds to a focal length of around 50mm.
At 15:48 26/09/03, you wrote:
Duncan - How do you figure that a 24 mm OM lens would convert to a 135 on
the E-1? It would be provide aproximately the field of view of a 48 - the
multiplication factor is 1.97 - not FIVE.FIVE.
B. D.
Dr. Duncan E. Paterson
Laboratorium fuer Organische Chemie
ETH Hoenggerberg, HCI H312
CH-8093 Zuerich
Telephone: +41 1 63 22 997
Fax: +41 1 63 31 095