Two or three weeks ago my 4T took sick.
Exposures in auto mode or in spot mode became uniformly 1 1/2 stops over
exposed. Exposures in manual mode having determined the correct exposure with a
Sekonic 508 became uniformly 1 stop under exposed. [The correct ISO is set on
camera and the plus / minus dial is set at zero]
This weekend it got really sick:
When the lever was turned to battery check mode, the camera either emitted:
a continuous high frequency sound, or
an intermittent slightly less high frequency sound with about five pulses per
second, or
a warbling sound comprising a mix of both previous sounds.
When taking a few photo on manual having set the exposure with a hand meter I
experienced the following:
The shutter went into delayed action mode as if I had set the self timer and
the shutter fired after about ten seconds, or
The shutter opened but did not close [resolved by removing the battery, turning
the lever from auto thru manual and back again several times, and applying
slight pressure on the shutter release button, or
the camera fired as normal but the battery check sound came on continuously but
at about 500f normal continuous volume [same resolution as above].
Has anyone experienced ailments like the above?
I assume there is an electronic circuitry problem and I am in need of a CLA.
John Hudson