hiwayman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Walt) shared:
I and the public know
What all schoolchildren learn,
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return.
--W.H. Auden, 9/1/1939
You cracked me up with this quote! I guess this is just indicative of the
lack of letter-writing abilities amongst the general public? I have noticed a
"change " in Ebay since the early days..from '97-'99 the Ebay traffic was
much lighter, but it was also much more polite and of a more businesslike yet
friendly mien. Today it appears to be rife with ill-natured teenagers and
less couth sorts. Where there was always an exchange in the past, now you're
lucky if they even acknowledge your purchase... particularly with Paypal or
CC payment. Maybe a fast payer makes it all too easy on them and they feel
they don't have to make the effort. It has almost made me vow to pay only by
Money Order, sent ONLY after a nice, chummy letter from the seller. A
'Dreamer', you say..mayhaps, but then, I've got all the lenses I really
Susan Steele
Amherst, VA
"The sewing machine, like the rifle gun, that beats the world is a